Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Are You A Candidate For A Biker Wedding?

by: Suzie Browning
If you are reading this article, then the thought has already crossed your mind. That alone make you a cndidate. You are passionate about riding and the feeling of freedom that comes along with it. You're not too concerned what others think about you or you plan shopping trips by how much you can stuff into the saddlebags. Congratulations! You are a candidate for a biker wedding.
If you are a first time bride, the decision to have a biker wedding may be a bit harder to decide on. You probably want the fairy tale wedding with a big dress and a long flowing train. You mention biker wedding to your mom and she's in tears. It's ok. You can still have a biker wedding AND wear the big dress AND still have a classy wedding. Change the wording a bit, call it a motorcycle theme wedding and your mom will stop crying.
If you've already had the big, fluffy, expensive wedding, you're all set! You have no excuse for not having a biker wedding. You're attention should be focused on why you are getting married this time instead of the actual wedding. Make this wedding fun and eventful. Give your guests a memory that they will talk about for years to come.
Maybe your fiance is the real rider of the two of you. Mention to him that you are thinking of having a biker wedding and you will see his face light up. He may actually want to help you with some of the details. His help will keep him less nervous about the whole thing because he will know what's going on. Planning a wedding can be a tremendous undertaking even for the expierenced party planner. Have a biker wedding and get him involved. Afterall, it is his day too.
Now, close your eyes. See that curve up ahead? If you know exactly how it feels to ride that curve, you are definately a candidate for a biker wedding.
About The Author
Suzie Browning created to help biker brides plan their motorcycle theme wedding.


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