Thursday, February 16, 2006

Romantic rehearsal dinner: the night before their wedding, send off the bride and groom from the heart of your home

Celebrate with a relaxed, intimate, and simple rehearsal dinner

Special in its own way, the rehearsal dinner is when families and friends gather one final time before newlyweds begin their lives together. A gathering at home is a wonderful way to send off the bride and groom with a sense of warmth and family. It's the welcome prelude to the joy and excitement of the wedding day.

Although traditionally the groom's family hosts this event, that's not always the case today. An aunt or uncle, close friends, the parents of the groom or bride, or even the bride and groom themselves might serve as hosts. What's important is to keep the rehearsal get-together casual, warm, and heartfelt.

Establish that feeling by subtly introducing the color scheme of the wedding. Set potted dahlias and mums--quintessential September flowers that bloom in rich colors--on each side of the walkway to dramatize the entrance to your home. For the front door, tie together two seasonal grapevine wreaths into a double ring, a timeless symbol of the joining of two lives.

Continue the color scheme on your tables, mixing fresh flowers from the market with those blooming in your garden. Combine them with grapes, plums, green apples, and seasonal foliage for an easy, beautiful centerpiece. Use the same cut flowers to make the bride's rehearsal bouquet (photo, page 217). Napkins and handwritten place cards in similar shades finish the effortless setting.

For the menu, choose recipes that are homey in style, play on autumn flavors different from the wedding menu, and can serve a large group. Sipping Autumn Punch and nibbling on fruits and blue cheeses accented with Bourbon-Infused Honey starts the party. Hearty Chicken and Duck Hunter Stew, Three-Cheese Lasagna, Apple-Garlic Loaves, and Mixed Greens with Cardamom-Curry Dressing balance casual ease and robust flavor.

Dishes that are made ahead or get a jump start from ready-made ingredients keep last minute preparations at a minimum. Don't be afraid to ask out-of-town family for help in pulling things together, such as setting up the drinks or tossing the salad.

Let your take-away gifts carry out the harvest theme with simply wrapped half-bottles of wine or jars of seasonal jam. This is also the time to share other presents: the bride and groom's gifts for the bridal party or the presentation of an heirloom piece from mother to daughter, or father to son.

End the evening with a sweet note. Pies offer an alternative to the wedding cake and other delights of the next day. Deeply satisfying because of its sweet wine and fruit flavor, a fall-inspired Grape Pie perfectly caps off this menu.

Sharing stories, memories of the bridal couple, special toasts, and unique mementos foster the bonding of two families in the relaxed setting of home. It's a private moment for shared times in the whirlwind of wedding events.

Bourbon-Infused Honey
Serve this with blue cheese and juicy seedless red grapes. You
can also use it to sweeten iced tea or to drizzle over cakes or
ice cream.
1 cup honey
1 large bay leaf
1/4 cup bourbon
1. In a small saucepan heat honey and bay leaf over medium
heat just until mixture bubbles around the edges. Reduce heat
to low and cook for 5 minutes. Remove from heat. Stir in
bourbon. Set aside to cool, about 1 hour. Remove bay leaf.
Transfer honey to jar and store overnight or up to 5 days in
the refrigerator. Makes 1 cup.
EACH TABLESPOON: 73 cal., 0 g total fat (0 g sat. fat), 0 mg chol.,
1 mg sodium, 17 g carbo., 0 g fiber, 0 g pro.
Autumn Punch
2 tsp. whole cloves
1/2 of a vanilla bean, split lengthwise
1 64-oz. bottle apple-cranberry juice
4 medium purple and/or green plums, pitted
and sliced
1 750-ml bottle Gewurztraminer or other
fruity white wine *
Ice cubes
1. Place cloves and vanilla bean in center of a double-thick
6-inch square of 100-percent-cotton cheesecloth. Bring
corners of cloth together; tie closed with clean string. Pour
apple-cranberry juice into a large container or pitcher. Add
plums and spice bag. Cover and chill for 4 to 24 hours.
2. Remove and discard cheesecloth bag. Stir in Gewurztraminer.
Serve beverage and plum slices over ice. (Or omit the ice and
heat the juice mixture and wine in a 4-quart Dutch oven until
hot. Serve in heatproof mugs.) Makes 10 to 12 servings.
* NONALCOHOLIC OPTION: Substitute two 12-ounce cans chilled
ginger ale for the Gewurztraminer, and serve over ice.
EACH SERVING: 180 cal., 0 g total fat (0 g sat. fat), 0 mg chol.,
30 mg sodium, 33 g carbo., 1 g fiber, 1 g pro. Daily Values: 5%
vit. A, 109% vit. C, 1% calcium, 2% iron.
Chicken and Duck Hunter Stew
Israeli couscous, available in most grocery stores and specialty
food stores, is large and has a slightly "toothy" texture.
12 chicken drumsticks (about 3 lb.), skinned
if desired
3 boneless duck breast halves, skinned
and quartered *
1/4 cup olive oil
3 cups assorted sliced fresh mushrooms, such
as crimini, shiitake, oyster, and/or button
2 medium onions, sliced
3 cloves garlic, minced
6 medium tomatoes, seeded and chopped
(about 3 cups)
3 medium green sweet peppers, cut into
1-inch pieces
1 1/2 cups dry Marsala or beef broth
1 6-oz. can tomato paste
3/4 cup pitted kalamata olives
and/or green olives
2 Tbsp. balsamic vinegar
1 tsp. salt
1/4 tsp. ground black pepper
1/4 cup snipped fresh oregano
or marjoram
2 Tbsp. snipped fresh rosemary
6 cups hot cooked Israeli
couscous or couscous
1. In a 6-quart Dutch oven cook drumsticks and
duck, half at a time, in hot oil about 15 minutes
or until lightly browned, turning to brown
evenly. Remove chicken and duck, reserving
drippings in the Dutch oven; set drumsticks aside.
Cover and chill the duck in the refrigerator.
2. Add mushrooms, onions, and garlic to drippings
in pot. Cook and stir about 5 minutes or until
vegetables are just tender. Return drumsticks to
Dutch oven.
3. Meanwhile, in a large bowl, combine tomatoes,
sweet peppers, Marsala, tomato
paste, olives, vinegar, salt, and
black pepper. Pour over drumsticks
in pot. Bring to boiling;
reduce heat. Simmer, covered,
for 20 minutes. Add duck; return
to boiling. Reduce heat and
simmer 25 to 30 minutes more
or until poultry is tender. Just
before serving, stir in oregano
and rosemary. Serve stew with
couscous. Makes 12 servings.
MAKE AHEAD: Prepare stew as
above, adding herbs before
freezing, if desired. Chill the stew
quickly by placing the Dutch
oven in a sink of ice water. Divide
mixture between two 2 1/2- to
3-quart freezer containers. Seal,
label, and freeze up to 1 month.
To reheat, place freezer containers
in refrigerator overnight
to partially thaw. Place mixture
in Dutch oven.
Cook over medium-low heat until mixture is completely thawed.
Increase heat to medium and cook just until bubbly, about 35
to 40 minutes total (do not overcook or duck may toughen).
Add herbs just before serving if not added before freezing.
* NOTE: To make this stew with all chicken: Substitute 12
chicken thighs for the duck; add the thighs and drumsticks back
into the pot all at once.
EACH SERVING: 393 cal., 14 g total fat (3 g sat. fat), 129 mg chol.,
407 mg sodium, 28 g carbo., 3 g fiber, 33 g pro. Daily
Values: 11% vit. A, 62% vit. C, 4% calcium, 22% iron.
Three-Cheese Lasagna
The ricotta will have a slightly grainy texture when cooked into
the lasagna.
2 medium eggplants (2 lb.), chopped (11 cups)
2 large red onions, halved crosswise and
thickly sliced (about 2 cups)
2 cloves garlic, minced
1 cup snipped fresh sweet basil or purple basil
1/4 cup olive oil
12 dried lasagna noodles
8 oz. Gruyere cheese, finely shredded
(2 cups)
1 15-oz. carton ricotta cheese
12 oz. goat cheese (chevre)
1 cup whipping cream
2 eggs
1/2 tsp. salt
1/2 tsp. ground black pepper
1/4 tsp. crushed red pepper
2 tsp. finely shredded lemon peel
1. Preheat oven to 450[degrees]F. In a roasting pan combine eggplant,
onion, and garlic. Add 1/2 cup of the snipped basil and
the oil; toss to coat. Roast, uncovered, for 30 to 35 minutes
or until vegetables are very tender, stirring once; set aside.
2. Meanwhile, cook lasagna noodles according to package
directions; drain and set aside. For filling, in a food
processor bowl * combine 1 1/2 cups of the Gruyere cheese
the ricotta cheese, goat
cheese, whipping cream,
eggs, salt, black pepper,
and crushed red pepper.
Cover and process until
just combined.
3. Reduce oven temperature
to 375[degrees]F. Spoon
one-third of the eggplant
mixture evenly in the
bottom of a 3-quart
rectangular baking dish.
Layer with 4 noodles and
one-third of the filling.
Repeat layers twice,
starting with eggplant
and ending with filling. Sprinkle with remaining 1/2 cup
Gruyere cheese. Cover with nonstick aluminum foil. Bake
for 20 minutes; uncover and bake for 15 to 20 minutes more
or until heated through. Let stand for 15 minutes before
serving. Sprinkle top with remaining 1/2 cup basil and the
lemon peel. Makes 12 servings.
TO MAKE AHEAD: Prepare lasagna as directed but do not bake.
Cover and refrigerate up to 24 hours. Bake, covered, in a
375[degrees]F oven for 40 minutes; uncover and bake for 20 to
25 minutes more or until heated through. Let stand for
15 minutes before serving. Top as directed above.
* NOTE If you do not have a food processor, combine filling
ingredients in a large bowl. Beat with an electric mixer on low
speed until combined.
EACH SERVING: 439 cal., 30 g total fat (16 g sat. fat),114 mg chol.,
315 mg sodium, 23 g carbo., 3 g fiber, 20 g pro. Daily
Values: 18% vit. A, 6% vit. C, 34% calcium, 11% iron.
Mixed Greens with Cardamom-Curry Dressing
Preparing the dressing in advance saves time and allows the
flavors to mellow and blend.
1 8-oz. container dairy sour cream
1/2 cup grapefruit juice or ruby red grapefruit
1 Tbsp. honey
1 tsp. curry powder
1 tsp. ground cardamom
1/2 tsp. ground cinnamon
1/4 to l/2 tsp. ground black pepper
1/3 cup salad oil
Freshly ground black pepper (optional)
20 cups mesclun or other torn salad greens
(about two-and-a-half 5-ounce packages)
1. For dressing, in a blender container or food processor bowl
combine sour cream, grapefruit juice, honey, curry powder,
cardamom, cinnamon, and pepper. Cover and blend or
process until combined. With blender or processor running,
slowly add salad oil in a steady stream until mixture is thickened.
Cover and chill until ready to serve. Dressing can be
prepared up to 3 days ahead of time.
2. Before serving, stir dressing to combine. Sprinkle with
additional freshly ground pepper. Serve dressing with mesclun.
Makes 12 servings.
EACH SERVING: 128 cal., 12 g total fat (4 g sat. fat), 10 mg chol.,
15 mg sodium, 5 g carbo., 0 g fiber, 1 g pro. Daily Values: 6%
vit. A, 10% vit. C, 4% calcium, 2% iron.
Apple-Garlic Loaves
The breads' flavorful apple and garlic topping, which can be
made ahead and put on the bread just before serving,
combines tart with savory. Slice the bread in large chunks to
keep the topping contained on each piece.
3 medium Granny Smith apples (about 1 lb.),
1 Tbsp. butter
4 large cloves garlic, coarsely chopped
1/2 cup quick-cooking or regular rolled oats
1/2 cup packed brown sugar
1 Tbsp. lemon juice
2 20-oz. loaves purchased ciabatta bread or
other crusty bread
3 Tbsp. butter, melted
1. Thinly slice one and a half of the apples; coarsely chop
remaining apples. In a large skillet melt the 1 tablespoon
butter. Add apples, garlic, and oats. Cook over medium heat
for 5 to 8 minutes or until apples start to soften, stirring
occasionally. Remove from heat; stir in brown sugar and lemon
juice. Use immediately to top bread. Or transfer to a
medium bowl; cover and chill up to 24 hours.
2. Preheat oven to 375[degrees]F. Place loaves on a large baking
sheet. * Brush tops of loaves with melted butter. Spoon half the
apple mixture onto each loaf, pressing mixture in slightly. Bake,
uncovered, for 10 minutes or until warmed through. Transfer
to a cutting surface. Slice carefully to avoid dislodging apples.
Makes 24 servings.
* NOTE: If the loaves do not have flat tops, slice off the
rounded portions to make flat surfaces.
EACH SERVING, 180 cal., 4 g total fat (1 g sat. fat), 5 mg chol., 293
mg sodium, 32 g carbo., 2 g fiber, 5 g pro. Daily Values:
1% vit. A, 2% vit. C, 4% calcium, 9% iron.
Grape Pie
Serve this pie with sweetened whipped cream topped with
chopped walnuts.
1 recipe Pastry for Double-Crust Pie or
2 refrigerated unbaked piecrusts
1/2 cup packed brown sugar
1/3 cup all-purpose flour
2 to 3 Tbsp. snipped fresh sage or 1 teaspoon
ground sage
7 cups seedless red or black grapes, halved
1/4 cup port wine or red grape juice
1 egg white
1 Tbsp. water
1. Preheat oven to 375[degrees]F. Prepare Pastry for Double-Crust
Pie. For filling, in a large bowl stir together brown sugar, flour,
and sage; stir in grapes and port wine.
2. Transfer the filling to the
pastry-lined pie plate. Roll
remaining dough into a circle
about 12 inches in diameter. Cut slits to allow steam to escape.
Place pastry on the filling; trim to 1/2 inch beyond edge of plate.
Fold top pastry under bottom pastry. Crimp edge as desired.
Place pie on a baking sheet.
3. In a small bowl combine egg white and water. Brush top of
pie with egg white mixture. Cover edge of pie with foil. Bake
for 25 minutes; remove foil. Bake for 30 to 35 minutes more
or until top of pastry is golden brown and filling bubbles through
slits in crust. Remove from oven; cool at least 6 hours. Pie can
be baked up to 24 hours ahead. Loosely cover and store at
room temperature. Makes 8 servings.
PASTRY FOR DOUBLE-CRUST PIE: In a medium bowl stir together
2 1/4 cups all-purpose flour and 3/4 teaspoon salt. Using a pastry
blender, cut in 2/3 cup shortening until pieces are pea-size.
Sprinkle 1 tablespoon cold water over part of the flour mixture;
gently toss with a fork. Push moistened dough to side of bowl.
Repeat, using 1 tablespoon water at a time until all the flour
mixture is moistened (about 8 to 10 tablespoons total). Divide
dough in half. Form each half into a ball. On a lightly floured
surface, use your hands to slightly flatten 1 dough ball. Roll
dough from center to edges into a 12-inch circle. To transfer
pastry, wrap it around the rolling pin; unroll into a 9-inch pie
plate. Ease pastry into pie plate, being careful not to stretch
pastry. Trim pastry even with the rim of the pie plate. Fill pie and
continue as directed.

FOOD PROCESSOR DIRECTIONS: Place steel blade in food
processor bowl. Add flour, salt, and shortening. Cover; process
with on/off turns until most of mixture resembles cornmeal but
a few larger pieces remain. With processor running, quickly
add 6 tablespoons water through feed tube. Stop processor
when all water is added; scrape down sides. Process with two
on/off turns. Remove dough from bowl; shape into a ball. Divide
in half. Continue as directed above.

EACH SERVING: 453 cal., 18 g total fat (4 g sat. fat), 0 mg chol.,
235 mg sodium, 69 g carbo., 2 g fiber, 5 g pro. Daily Values:
2% vit. A, 25% vit. C, 4% calcium, 14% iron.

Keep your rehearsal dinner stress free by following this timeline. The day of the party, you'll need just over an hour to get the food together.
* Prepare Chicken and Duck Hunter Stew (1 hour). Freeze.
* 5 days before the party, make Bourbon-Infused Honey (10 minutes). Refrigerate. * 3 days before the party, make Cardamom-Curry Dressing (5 minutes). Refrigerate.
* Make Grape Pie (45 minutes). Bake (55 minutes). While pie bakes, prepare Three-Cheese Lasagna (50 minutes); do not bake. Refrigerate. * Prepare base for Autumn Punch (20 minutes). Make topping for Apple-Garlic Loaves (20 minutes). Refrigerate both. * Thaw stew overnight in refrigerator.
* Bring cheeses to room temperature; set up with Bourbon-Infused Honey. * Add wine to Autumn Punch. Pour into pitchers (do not add ice until serving). * Clean salad greens (5 minutes). Refrigerate. * Whip cream for pie (3 minutes). Refrigerate. * Bake lasagna (1 hour). Let stand 15 minutes. * While lasagna bakes: Reheat stew (3.5 minutes). * Top Apple-Garlic Loaves and bake (20 minutes). * Prepare couscous (10 minutes). Let stand; fluff with fork before serving.
This clever wrapping for take-away gifts is easy to assemble. You'll need kraft paper torn into a triangle, a square of fabric, leather cord, and a note card. Wrap the bottle with the paper; secure it with adhesive tape. Fold down the top of the fabric square; wrap over the paper, and secure it with the leather cord. Tie on a note card with cord. Every bottle need not be identical.
Use your fingers to press the apple-garlic topping onto the ciabatta loaf. The topping is meant to be loose, but it will adhere better with a little help.
To crimp the bottom and top crust together into this whimsical pie crust rim, simply pinch the bottom and top crust together with your thumb and forefinger and give a little twist. Work your way around the pie.

COPYRIGHT 2004 Meredith Corporation


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