Monday, August 07, 2006

Wedding Ring

By Michael Colucci

The wedding ring is a ring that will often be made from precious metals, and it will be worn on the left ring finger. It is also worn on the right ring finger in countries such as Norway or Russia. The purpose of a wedding ring is to represent a marriage. Both spouses will wear rings to show that they are commited to each other. The custom originated in Europe, but has spread to many other countries which are outside of Europe. In some cultures the wedding ring is only one of three rings that will be given when a couple is in the process of getting married.

The other two rings are the engagement ring and the promise ring. The engagement ring is well known, and will be given when a couple has become engaged. A promise ring is not as well known, but will be given once a couple begins courting each other. In many European countries, the name of the soon to be spouse will be placed within the ring. While wedding rings have traditionally be worn by women, wedding rings are now designed for men as well. It is the responsibility of the best man to make sure the rings of the couple are cared for. The best man will present both rings during the marriage ceremony.

In highly intricate weddings, a ring bearer may be used to carry the rings as well. The ring bearer will usually be a young male who is related to either the groom or bride. He will carry the rings on elaborate pillows. In some European countries, the engagement ring is the wedding ring, and the status of the ring will change once the couple is married. If a different ring is used for the wedding ring, the bride may still wear it if she chooses. The choice of which finger the ring should be worn on has changed over the centuries.

Traditionally, the fourth finger on the left or right hand has always been used, and when a married couple wears their rings on their left hands, this is a sign that they have eternal love for each other. While wedding bands have historically been worn by women in the US and UK, they are now commonly worn by men. The use of diamonds on wedding ring is extremely popular. The precious metals that are used in the ring will often be gold or white cold, but titanium has also become popular, especially for men. Many couples will avoid using diamonds and will use other precious gems such as rubies or sapphires.

In addition to this, stainless steel is now being used in a number of wedding rings. Stainless steel has a much higher durability than gold, and can showcase a better finish than titanium. Some metals are poisonous, and are not used for wedding rings. If you want to buy a gem, you will want to measure the quality based on its softness. Gems have a softness scale that ranges from 1 to 10. A gem with a rating of 1 will be the softest, while a gem with a rating of 10 will be the hardest. Gems that have a rating of 7 should not be picked for wedding rings.

Michael Colucci is a writer for Wedding Ring which is part of the Knowledge Search network.

Wedding Rings - Official Wedding Source

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Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Wedding Tips: Year-Round Ideas for Wedding Programs

By Antoinette Boulay

Wedding programs are an integral part of your wedding ceremony. Through wedding programs, your guests are able to feel more involved with your wedding. In addition, the knowledge of what is to come often helps guests have a better time at your reception and provides you with a way for keeping your guests informed about the meaning behind certain aspects of you ceremony. Programs are also excellent keepsakes for your guests.

What to Include in Your Wedding Program

Wedding programs are a fairly flexible addition to your wedding ceremony and reception. A basic program should include information regarding rituals, customs, or traditions being included in your wedding ceremony and in your reception. With the program, you can explain any aspect that may be unfamiliar to your guests. Of course, it should also include the times for certain events, particularly if your program will cover your reception events as well.

Wedding programs can also include many extras to help make them more personal. For example, you might include a brief biography of the members of your bridal party. Favorite poems, quotes, and photographs are also an excellent addition to your program. You might even honor a deceased relative or friend by including meaningful photos, quotes, or poems on the back of your program.

Program Designs

When it comes to wedding programs, anything that can be written on can be used. You might print your program on paper fans or in booklets. You can even be creative and place your program on scrolls of parchment or create a Playbill containing the names of the “actors” in your ceremony in order to help set the tone for your ceremony.

Winter Ideas for Wedding Programs

The time of year during which you get married can play a large part in determining the design and layout of your wedding programs. If you will be having a wedding program, you might create a program booklet that is bound in white faux fur. Or, use the traditional single-sheet program and attach a silver-studded snowflake to the top. Another idea is to create an ice-blue program and cover the top sheet with an piece of velum that is opaque and reads “Welcome to our Warm Winter Wedding.”

Spring Ideas for Wedding Programs

Spring is a fun and colorful time filled with blooming flowers. Therefore, spring wedding programs should reflect that same spirit. You might consider creating a two-fold program with a cover the same color as your wedding colors. Then engrave or emboss a bouquet of white blooms on the cover. Or, create a booklet and wrap it in chiffon ribbon and place a snap on it to keep it secure. If you want to keep it simple yet romantic, create a vertical program and place it on each of your guests’ chairs. Place a stone engraved with Love, Forever, or Joy on top of the program to keep it in place.

Summer Ideas for Wedding Programs

Summer brings with it thoughts of sunshine and splashing at the beach. To play upon this natural theme, you might create wedding programs that are bound with a string of seashells. Or, make fan-shaped programs that include all the colors of a sunset when they are opened. If you are going to lay your programs on your guests’ chairs, hold them down with a package of sparklers. This can be gorgeous if you are having an outdoor wedding and all of your guests light the sprinklers at the end of the ceremony.

Fall Ideas for Wedding Programs

In the fall, your wedding programs could include a leaf design. Or, create a small booklet with a mocha or cocoa colored cover and bind it with twine. Finish the look off with an attached acorn covered in gold glitter. Agold or yellow program with a velum overlay topped with a velvet chocolate-brown ribbon is another beautiful option.

Official Wedding Source

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Types Of Parties For Your Wedding

by Rebecca Sherman

A wedding means celebration, as friends and family honor the bride and groom with an array of pre- and post-wedding parties. The bride finds herself the center of attention at showers, luncheons and dinners where her biggest responsibility is to enjoy herself!

The Engagement Party

Parents traditionally host the first engagement party, held either on or soon after the day the announcement appears in the newspapers. Occasionally, the parents of the bride and groom will host the same party, but more often separate parties are held. Engagement parties often serve an important function. It is a convenient way for parents to introduce their child's fiancé to family and friends. And of course some parents find this party an enjoyable way to get to know their child's fiancé better as well.


Traditionally, showers are given for the bride, but today it is not unusual to find the groom at these lively functions as they are now generally more involved in the wedding planning than in the past.

Showers are given by any friend or relative who wants to do something special for the couple. Customarily, members of the immediate family of the bride and groom do not host a shower, however that is changing in recent years and is now more acceptable. Every bride is entitled to at least one shower--the laws of etiquette are there to help, not hinder, the effort. Often, it is the honor attendant with the help of the maids, who volunteers to host a shower. Since the shower is always given by someone other than the bride, this is one instance when registry information can be included with the invitation.

The Bachelor and Bachelorette Party

Today both bachelor and bachelorette parties are equally popular. These types of parties are generally very casual and emphasize having fun, unwinding and celebrating the wedding. The party may or may not include a dinner and takes place in a home, a club or the private dining room of a restaurant. These celebrations often incorporate a theme and can include attending a sporting event, going to a comedy club or on a shopping excursion. Some enjoy activities such as laser tag, paintball, gambling, golfing, bowling or even camping.

Getting there can be half the fun when you hire a limousine, bus or other transportation service to take partygoers from one destination to another. This also alleviates the responsibility of designated drivers, allowing everyone the opportunity to celebrate.

If alcoholic beverages are served, the party should be a minimum of several days before the wedding, if not a few weeks prior. No one will want to look less than his/her best for the day of the wedding.

The Rehearsal Dinner

The rehearsal dinner, held immediately after the rehearsal, can be as simple or elaborate as the host wishes. However, it should never upstage the wedding itself. It is best to go to a restaurant or club. This eliminates anyone in the immediate family having to deal with entertaining and clean-up the night before the wedding.

Traditionally, the groom's parents are responsible for the cost of the rehearsal dinner. If they are from out of town, they may ask the mother of the bride to help with reservations. But it is perfectly acceptable to have a godparent, friend or member of the bride's family do the honor of hosting this function.

The guest list will include the attendants, the bride and groom's immediate family, the ceremony official (and spouse, if any), plus any out-of-town guests, family or friends the couple or the host wishes to invite. If it has not already been done, the attendants' gifts may be distributed at this occasion. All will fare better if they make it an early evening. The best party--the wedding --is yet to happen!

Gift Opening Party

Nowadays many couples plan gift opening parties. This small gathering usually only includes the bride and groom's families and members of the bridal party. More often than not, gifts are opened the day after the wedding or soon after the newlyweds return from their honeymoon.

When held the day after the wedding, the gift-opening party is often planned around a meal. Snacks and refreshments left over from the reception may also be served.

But the purpose of the party, of course, is to open the wedding gifts. A few moments of planning will save headaches later, therefore a careful record of who sent what is a necessity. A guest book with a gift record section, available from stationers, book stores and bridal shops, is recommended.

About the Author

Rebecca Sherman is an editor at

Planning a Wedding? Our Free Online Wedding Planner has sections to track guest information, RSVP's, budgets, shower and wedding gifts and More! Plus export your data to Excel.

Official Wedding Source

Friday, June 23, 2006

Wedding Loans – When Wedding Bills Are Postponing The Wedding Bells

Somewhere when you least expected, you find the person who you know you are going to share your life with. You met that wonderful person. And it is a blessing that you are going to walk down the aisle with that person. You want to share it with everyone, everyone. And this one important day of your life has to be perfect in every respect of the word. 2.3 million weddings are taking place each year, but that doesn’t make your marriage just another figure in the statistics.If you have taken the decision to get married then perhaps you are moving to the next decision which is how to get married. While preparing for that question, the question of finances is understandably related. Wedding loans have the perfect answer, in case you can’t afford the wedding you are thinking of. Today average wedding costs somewhere between £18,000 and £19,000. Only 40% of the people can actually pay for their wedding. This amount might not fix into every ones pocket. Wedding loans offer the precise answer for wedding fund blues. However, wedding loans options are expanding online making it easier to get finance for wedding. But they might even make it easier for you to fall prey to taking more than you need.Wedding finance is no longer the monopoly of the bride’s father. Most of the couples pay for their own wedding or the cost is split between the families of the bride and the groom. Budgeting is integral when you are taking loan for your wedding. How much you need and what is going to cost what – should be very clear in your mind. When you are searching for wedding loans online – this is a good source for wedding loans – take your time. It is rather easy to find wedding loans online with great interest rates. Borrowers can use a loan calculator to know whether they can afford the wedding loan or not. You can ask different loan lenders for wedding loans quotes. This will help you in finding a wedding loans deal that has value for your money.Interest rate for your wedding loans is what decides how much it will cost you. Interest rate on wedding loans is dependent on many things; therefore you might not be offered the rate that is displayed as the APR. APR is the annual percentage rate – it is the true cost of the loan. You will be using this to compare the wedding loans quote from different lenders. Every lender calculates APR differently therefore it becomes all the more important for you ask for wedding loans quotes from different lenders.Credit a credit check before you apply for wedding loans. Credit score have a huge impact on loan borrowing. You can have an easy access to your credit report and credit score at credit reporting agencies like Experian, Equifax and Trans union. They will give you concrete details on how to improve your credit score also. Interest rates for people with bad credit score are higher. But there are other factors, which wedding loans lender might be looking at. The presence of collateral will enable you to get wedding loans at lesser interest rates. Unsecured wedding loans that are without any collateral would invite a higher interest rate than secured loans.Take wedding loans as an opportunity to discuss your views towards money and finances. Get each others views on how to manage your finances. Most of married couples fight on finances. Before you take wedding loans you are supposed to work out on your finances and lifestyle so that you can accommodate monthly payments into your budget. Figure out how and when you are going to repay your wedding debts.Wedding is of an emotional significance to those who are getting married. However, don’t let emotions phase out you financial decision or you might end up being in debt. The amount on Wedding loans should be what you can afford. Sit down and try to cut on the wedding expenses wherever you can. Don’t take wedding loans for costs that might be avoided. Sit down and take time to plan not only the wedding but the finance for the wedding. A rushed wedding loans decision might direct you towards a wrong deal. Financial troubles at the start of your married life are a big no-no. Marriage can be the hardest decision you made in your life. But it will turn out to be the most rewarding one if there is enough love and a good financial decision to back it.
About the Author:Amanda Thompson holds a Bachelor’s degree in Commerce from CPIT and has completed her master’s in Business Administration from IGNOU. To find a Personal loans,bad credit loans,Debt consolidation,home equity loans at cheap rates that best suits your needs visit more articles by: Amanda Thompson This article is distributed by:

Monday, June 19, 2006

Wedding Hospitality – the Scottish Way

When it came to hospitality, to the ancient Greeks it was the first commandment of life. Anyone under your roof, beggar or fool, became as a member of your family to be treated with generosity and respect.
Perhaps the greatest example of how highly hospitality was regarded in ancient times, can be seen by the actions of Hercules – that man of inordinate strength whose labours are legendary.
One day, several friends dropped in unexpectedly on Hercules. Greeting them immediately with a smile, Hercules plied them with wine, and exhorted them to check out the larder for anything that might take their fancy. Several hours later, the guests mellow with drink, noticed the absence of Hercules’ wife. When asked to explain the reason why she hadn’t come to greet them, Hercules continued to smile, offer them more food, and did his best to divert them from the subject of his wife.
Like all people who have discovered our Achilles’ heel, the guests fastened on to the subject of Hercules’ wife like bloodhounds. They refused to let go. Abashed at their insistence, at length Hercules led them to the room where his wife lay in state. Literally. She had died that day, and rather than force grief on his friends, Hercules had chosen to hide his own. He really was a softie!
The Scots, despite their reputation for valuing the dollar more than a little, are the most hospitable people in the world. Planning a wedding holds no terror for them. When the matter of what drinks to serve comes up, they don’t throw up their hands in horror at the thought of an open bar. Not for them the house red or the house white. To offer anything but quality alcohol is beyond their ken.
Often at weddings you see tentative forays into old customs. One of these is the bride and groom toasting each other by drinking from the same cup, while the guests look on.
Not so at a wedding planned by a Scotsman.
At such a wedding, as the bride and groom toast each other from their shallow cup, another, deeper cup, filled not with some watered down Semillon or briny Moselle, but containing the finest Scotch whisky, is simultaneously passed from the hands of one guest to another to symbolically share in the happiness and good fortune of the bride and groom in finding each other.
It really is no wonder that the high jinx of New Year’s celebration is associated with Scotland’s old favourite, ’Auld Lang Syne’ They know how to celebrate.
Vlady Peters is an Australian Civil Marriage Celebrant authorised to perform marriages in Australia. She also perform general ceremonies such as Baby Naming, Renewal of Vows and Commitment Ceremonies. To learn more about her as a celebrant and an author visit Vlady at
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Thursday, June 15, 2006

How to Keep Your Sanity (and Your Job) While Planning Your Wedding

ARA) - Working full-time or have friends and relatives spread all over the country or world? If you answered yes to either question, planning a wedding can be a logistical nightmare; but for savvy brides and grooms-to-be, online wedding planning has become a lifesaver. Lourdes Reigosa, a Web developer and advisory committee member for the Multimedia & Web Design department of The Art Institute of Fort Lauderdale recently planned much of her own wedding online. She believes the Internet has revolutionized the way people plan a wedding. “With 165.75 million Internet users in the U.S., and so many excellent search engines available, it’s no wonder that planning a wedding online has become so popular,” says Reigosa. According to Millie Martini Bratten, editor in chief of BRIDE'S Magazine, "The Internet has become an invaluable tool for couples planning their weddings.” Seventy three percent of BRIDE'S readers log on to the Web regularly for pre-wedding research, including everything from fashion and beauty styles to etiquette advice and inspirational reception ideas,” says Bratten. But for some, the idea of planning a wedding, or ordering wedding-related merchandise online, is a bit nerve wracking. How do you know what you’re getting is really what you want for the big day? Stephanie Dowling, public relations director for The Art Institute of Phoenix, is doing much of her wedding planning online; however, she recommends whenever possible, having someone validate your decisions. Dowling chose an island in the Caribbean for her May ’04 wedding. “We have never been to the location we chose, so we used the Internet to help us find a beach (for the ceremony), a reception location, minister, photographer, videographer, flowers and a wedding planner,” she says. However, when Dowling’s wedding planner heard she was booking rooms at a particular villa, “She told us not to because it would have put our guests on the other side of the island.” Britta Wheeler, academic adviser at The Art Institute of New York City, used a source she found online to pick the perfect silk for her wedding gown, but also made phone calls directly to the supplier. “I’m from Nebraska, and as it turned out, the fabric source I used was a stone’s throw from where I grew up,” says Wheeler. She recommends taking advantage of expertise you can find online, or over the phone. Wheeler used the search engine “Google” to locate silk, and then called for swatches to help her make her final decision. For many soon-to-married couples, creating a wedding Web site has been key to keeping wedding planning organized and sane. Dowling and her fiancée set up a wedding Web site to keep track of RSVPs. They’ve also done all their registries and shopping through online services. “Our registries convert to store registries, so our guests have the ease of purchasing online or in-store for our gifts,” she says. For brides-to-be looking for the perfect invitation or wedding favor, the Web offers great solutions. “Many sites let you order samples,” says Reigosa. ”If you’re looking at invitations online, you can usually get free samples. For wedding favors, many Web sites offer an opportunity to purchase one sample, at a low price.” If you’re looking for personal feedback from other couples planning weddings, Kirsten Wright, graduate employment advisor for The Art Institute of Washington, says she has found wedding chatrooms very helpful. But keep in mind, despite everybody being in the same boat -- engaged, that is -- people's style, taste, and dreams of a wedding vary greatly. So, Wright says to “trust your instincts, and stick with your own style.” Web sites she recommends include,,, and Is there anything that shouldn’t be ordered online for a wedding? “I would have to say the dress, although, it's a very valuable tool in researching dresses. I located stores -- all on the Web -- and then went in person to try dresses on,” says Dowling. Courtesy of ARA Content
About the AuthorCourtesy of ARA Content Source:

Tuesday, June 06, 2006

The Growing Trend of Planning a Wedding Online

Savvy couples have discovered that an important part of successfully planning a wedding online involves doing some research. Click on Google, enter certain search words such as “wedding dj” or “wedding photographer” and numerous results will pop up. By searching within these same results you can further narrow down the list by entering in your city and state. The final Google produced list should be much more manageable to sort through.

Congratulations on your pending nuptials! You have a ring, a date has been set, and all is right with the world. If you are just starting to plan out your wedding day, you know that there are many steps you must take on the way to organizing your big event. Sure, you could hire the services of a wedding planner to do much of the grinding legwork for you, but likely you will want to be involved in making most of the arrangements yourself with the assistance of your future spouse, of course. So, where should you start? Online, of course! Yes, there are many terrific benefits in planning a wedding online. Let’s explore what they are and how you and your intended can harness the internet to your advantage.
Savvy couples have discovered that an important part of successfully planning a wedding online involves doing some research. Click on Google, enter certain search words such as “wedding dj” or “wedding photographer” and numerous results will pop up. By searching within these same results you can further narrow down the list by entering in your city and state. The final Google produced list should be much more manageable to sort through.
Those wedding vendors who really want your business will have attractive and easy to navigate web sites listed in the Google results for your perusal. Planning a wedding online has never been easier as you can review a photographer’s portfolio; listen to sample music clips; watch video clips; tour reception sites; uncover valuable honeymoon information; and much more. Contact those vendors who strike your fancy and ask them for price information, availability, and references. Most will accept an email message from you or have an easy to fill out form on their site whereby you can receive additional information. Planning a wedding online can help you to reduce stress by allowing you to weed out vendors ahead of time: you contact them on your own terms to keep everything under your control.
Some couples use email as an important part of planning a wedding online. By sending out “hold that date” notices to invitees, guests can be notified well in advance of the wedding date and reserve that date on their calendars. Later, you can follow up with the formal invitations and, yes, you can order those online too!Other benefits of planning a wedding online include:
Gift registries can be set up on the internet or at your local retail store and made available to your guests online no matter where they live. Guests will be able to review your list, select the item they want to give to you, order it online, and ship it directly to your home address.
Do you know which stores in your area sell bridal and gown outfits? If you aren’t sure, there is plenty of information online to help you sort all of that out. Even tuxedo rentals can be ordered online, although an in person fitting is still recommended.
Additional online wedding planning can include finding party favors, buying disposable cameras, shopping for bridal gifts, and locating just about everything else related to the event. Some couples create separate web sites loaded with pictures, driving directions, menus, gift registry information, and more. If that sounds like too much work for you, there are sites that will allow you to set up your information with them. Simply enter “planning a wedding online” in your search parameters to get the best results.
Yes, planning a wedding online can be used to your advantage. The end result is time and money saved and stress avoided. Use the internet today to make planning a wedding online a reality for you and your intended.
Click here for more information about wedding resources, wedding articles and online wedding planning: http://www.bridalocity.comMichael Brito is an Internet Marketing Consultant for a variety of consumer goods and services.