Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Rescuing Romance

by Lexi

Have you ever noticed that marital bliss can fizzle quickly into routine's abyss? At the beginning of a marriage, the romance can be very exciting and abundant. Then, as time moves on, it erodes as the novelty wears off. As a newlywed, it is difficult to determine whether or not the romance will last in a marriage; however, that should be the furthest thing from your mind.

In order to have a solid and lasting marriage there needs to be communication, respect, faithfulness, and honesty. If you do not have these qualities in your own marriage, then not having romance in the relationship is the least of your worries.

If a marriage lacks romantic moments, the ordinary moments can be uncomfortable and seemingly not worth it. We want our hearts to beat with anticipation and ours stomach to feel butterflies, just like when we looked at our partners on our wedding days. We want these emotions to still be present even after years of marriage. They may not be as frequent, but they should still remain.

You ought not stop loving someone simply because they have changed. You should have the desire to work together to discover ways to keep the relationship feeling alive and fresh. W. Somerset once said, "We are not the same persons this year as last; nor are those we love. It is a happy chance if we, changing, continue to love a changed person."

Communication is an important factor in maintaining a healthy and romantic relationship. If you do not talk about thoughts, opinions, and concerns, then you will never know what the other is thinking. You need to talk about the entire situation and offer suggestions as to what might bring back the romance. Do not just say, "This is not what we used to be like." That statement offers nothing constructive.

Explore different options. Romance can be hidden where you least expect it. There are certain ways that you can create a romantic mood or setting in places you never thought you could. Something as simple as writing a love letter could make all the difference. If you use some imagination and creativity, you too can turn an ordinary moment into a magical one.

The most crucial thing is to not give up before trying, if you are serious about wanting the marriage to last. You stand to lose all the investment of the past years if you give less than your best effort. Some people say, "It's sink or swim time." Do not sink quietly into that abyss of routine. Rekindle that romance which will keep you buoyant.
About the Author

Lexi is an author on Writing.Com, a growing community where people share their writings and interact with other writers. She has self-published three poetry books since joining the site. You can check out her portfolio here.

This article has been submitted in affiliation with http://www.Prye.Com/


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