Monday, April 10, 2006

Moissanite Wedding Set

Sporting a moissanite jewelry set on a bride's wedding day is just about one of the most profound statements she can make.

Sporting a moissanite jewelry set on a bride\'s wedding day is just about one of the most profound statements she can make. The effect that this set will have puts even diamonds to shame. On this day, a bride loves to show off – and nothing can showcase her better than the exuberant sparkle of a complete moissanite ensemble.
Moissanite can be cut to perfect specifications. The extreme refractive properties of the stone allow an experienced jeweler to design wedding jewelry sets with stone alignments that literally radiate fire in all directions. Such wedding sets are usually crafted in either 14 or 22 carat white gold or platinum, since these perfectly complement the moissanite and lend it a dramatic backdrop.
Moissanite wedding sets are eminently adaptable to individual budgets. Most of them are half the cost of a comparable diamond ensemble. A bride can flaunt an extravagant set on her wedding trousseau for a comparatively modest price.
The appeal of moissanite on the most significant day of a couple’s life is not just limited to women’s jewelry. Men’s wedding rings, tie pins and cufflinks sporting the moissanite are becoming increasingly popular. This is not surprising – moissanite is being cleverly marketed as the stone that most reflects a man’s most desirable qualities in relationships. It is among the hardest substances known, is literally \"forever\", shines forth uninhibitedly, is economical, and can be molded according to desire. What woman could ask for more?
Men’s moissanite wedding rings are usually made with two tone white gold/yellow gold, said to be the perfect \"male\" blend. The wedding ring is invariably the only piece of jewelry a man can wear during his wedding; considering this limitation, it is only proper that it features a brilliant moissanite for maximum effect.

Moissanite Ring provides detailed information on Moissanite, Moissanite Ring, Moissanite Jewelry, Moissanite Earring and more. Moissanite Ring is affiliated with Laser Engraving.


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