Monday, January 30, 2006

Things to Know About Wedding Centerpieces
by Michael Sampson

Having a perfect wedding is a dream of most couples. They want to have their wedding day as the most perfect event of their lives.

No wonder why many people are so engaged into wedding planning because the numerous details of the wedding should never be taken for granted. From the invitations down to the reception, every detail must be meticulously considered.

Take for example the wedding centerpieces. For some events, centerpieces are not that important and may not take much of preparation and consideration. But with weddings, these beautiful embellishments usually found in the reception are extremely important as these items, likewise, set the mood in the area.

Wedding centerpieces are not necessarily the "center of attraction" in the event. But they do complement the bride and the group along with the other details of the wedding.

Normally, wedding centerpieces are not included in the reception or the catering; hence, it is a must that you hire the best provider of wedding centerpieces.

So, for people who wish to obtain some tips on choosing wedding centerpieces, here are some pointers that you could use:

1. In most cases, flowers are the best wedding centerpieces. They add color and life in the reception area.

Best of all, flowers can enliven the spirit of those who are present in the reception. It gives a homey feeling, thus, making the reception program more fascinating.

2. Do not just go with the flowers. Consider the arranger as well. The flower arranger could also be the same arranger you have hired to decorate the church.

The wrong flower arrangement, color, and types of flowers used as centerpieces can do more harm than good. Hence, it is a must that pertinent details like this one should be considered seriously.

3. Shop around

Do not be constrained on one establishment only. It is best to shop around and get more ideas on wedding centerpieces. Flowers are not the only thing that is considered as good wedding centerpieces. You can also have some candles, glass bowls, floating and scented candles, etc.

4. Choose the kind of ambiance you want to project in the reception

If you want a more classical yet simple wedding centerpiece, it is best to try using flowers or other ornaments. In the event that your wedding and the reception has a different venue, deviated from the typical church and restaurant venue, it is best to choose a wedding centerpiece that is suitable to the venue.

For example, if it is a garden wedding, then it is best to use nature as centerpieces like miniature birdhouses, flower baskets, etc.

5. In choosing flowers, it is best to consider the color, style, and the availability of the flowers. There are instances wherein the type of flower that you want to use as a centerpiece is not available.

There are many varieties of flowers so you can choose an alternative. Just keep in mind that it must complement the color and the setting of the wedding reception.

6. For budget conscious couples, you can opt for a cheaper wedding centerpiece but still adds elegance to your wedding reception.

You can use fruits as wedding centerpieces. Fruits are very affordable items and can be used as attractive wedding centerpieces.

With a little creativity and imagination, you can make something wonderful out of these fruits.

The bottom line is that wedding centerpieces need not be very expensive. What matters most is to have them as embellishments in the table, which adds up to the merry-making of the memorable activity in a couple's life.
About the Author

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Friday, January 27, 2006

Women's Diamond Wedding Ring
by Janey McKenzie

So you are looking to purchase a women's diamond wedding ring? Well you have started off in the right step by researching your topic before stepping into the world, shopping around for that perfect ring and diamond for your special other. We have compiled some information for you to help you reach your own informed decision.

As you search and shop around for your own perfect women's diamond wedding ring you will find that every diamond is different - even if they present with the same specifications. A diamond you fall in love with may have a few flaws (or 'inclusions' as they call them in the business), say a black spot... If that inclusion is near the top or in the top of your diamond, your fiancée will of course notice this defect... more so if she is the obsessive type. Remember to look carefully at each diamond you pick up and are seriously considering on buying. Always ask to see it both through normal light and through the jeweler's loupe (their magnifying glass) to examine for these inclusions.

You probably are inexperienced at buying diamonds so you probably don't want to know absolutely everything about the 4 C's and want to keep it simple. So just follow the procedure above and consider the following points for buying your women's diamond wedding ring. When shopping around you have the choice of a clear and colorless diamond or a diamond that is yellowish, D-F grade is colorless. Another option is to have a diamond that sparkles and that has rainbow colors in the diamond ring. And of course as you look through the loupe, make sure there aren't any spots or any other inclusions that you can't live with. Of course, the diamond should not look dark or cloudy. Some I1 diamonds look nice but try to avoid diamonds with a lower grading.

Shop around for women's diamond wedding ring that has a certified diamond. Although you may pay extra in the inflated value on the appraised certified diamond as a result of insurance. Also you should request the diamond be tested in front of you before purchasing.

The price of a women's wedding diamond ring varies greatly depending on the quality of the cut. Diamond rings can be purchased at a jeweler or at the jewelry section of your department store. Your department store may offer a promotion, or extra lifetime guarantees so shop around. Also, consider the weight of your diamond. If your diamond is slightly under the standard weights (1 carat, half a carat etc ) then you may get a discount. Remember that 10 karat gold is cheap and anything below 14 carat will need to be worn daily to avoid tarnishing.

This article "Women's Diamond Wedding Ring" can be found in our Wedding Jewelry and Accessories category.

About the Author

Janey McKenzie is a staff writer for, a free wedding planning guide providing couples with wedding hints and tips to enable them to plan every aspect of their wedding effectively.

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See the Official Wedding Source website.

Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Finding the Humor in your Wedding

Prepare for anything to happen on your wedding day!!

No matter how much preparation you have given to your wedding or reviewed the details; some things can just happen.

One week before my wedding, my father announced he was going in for a major colon operation. Unfortunately, there was no way he could re-schedule this operation and there was also no way we could re-schedule the wedding.

We just had to go on. The operation was a success but by the time the wedding hit he was still in the hospital and was only able to come to the wedding to walk me down the aisle. The poor guy helped pay for the party, had tons of friends there and had to leave. It sucked but there was absolutely nothing we could do about it. It was just the way things played out.

You can never know what might happen. But, the main thing is to go on. My dad not being at my wedding was a huge glitch in my day but it also helped me overlook all the other things.

Say for example:

¤ My fiancé getting a black eye the day before the wedding while kickboxing

¤ The spa screwing up my booking for my pedicure and manicure (on the positive, they did get the bridesmaid's correct)

¤ My aunt spilling a full glass of red wine all down the front of my mothers (pink) dress

¤ Scrambling for a place for pictures as the weather wasn't cooperating for outdoor pictures as planned

¤ And the best, a bell man screaming at my husband and I to open our door on our wedding night as he thought we were having a huge party (it was next door) –although my husband always likes saying we made way too much noise that night.

In hindsight, it's all really humorous (well except my dad part)! Make sure you grab your humour on your wedding day about all the things that are out of your control! If you can't seem to find the humour, try to do a few relaxation techniques such as:

¤ Tighten the muscles in your toes. Hold for a count of 10. Relax and enjoy the sensation of release from tension.

¤ Breathe deeply and slowly.

¤ Get a quick breath of fresh air! A quick walk can give you a much-needed "time-out" which will release some tension.

Try to also designate someone to take care of details that you just don't need to worry about. For example, have a friend in charge of the catering or someone for the music etc. When a
problem arises, the bride usually hears and then you can just tell your friend and forget about it. You don't need to be wasting your time fighting with the catering or disc jockey.


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Monday, January 23, 2006


January 8 2004--The average wedding reception hosts over 100 guests, challenging Brides and Grooms to find creative ways to entertain extended friends and family. Joan Wai, author of "100+ WEDDING GAMES: Fun & Laughs for Bachelorette Parties, Showers, & Receptions" (, $11.95), suggests couples take a cue from Chinese, Mexican, German, and Eastern European weddings and host wedding games during their reception to break the ice. It's not as radical an idea as it sounds. Ever clink a glass to get a couple to kiss? Tried to catch the bouquet? That's just the tip of the iceberg on sweet wedding games to celebrate the blushing Bride and Groom.

"Many of these games are a fun way of showing off the couple's knowledge of and affection for each other," observes Joan, who spent two years researching reception, shower, and bachelorette party games for her book. These diversions are a fresh alternative to drinking and dancing, especially when trying to engage celebrants who might otherwise overindulge in alcohol. And wedding games needn't be exclusive to the couple of the hour. The groomsmen and bridesmaids can jumpstart the party by hosting friendly competitions among guests waiting for the Bride and Groom's grand entrance.

A popular game from Joan's book has the Bride blindfolded beside her Groom and tasked with seeking out three small clips attached somewhere on the Groom's clothing. She must use her Russian fingers and Roman hands to locate the clips within a couple minutes or perform a token penalty. "Everybody always gets a big laugh from the Bride's puzzled expression as she searches for a clip attached somewhere unexpected, like the Groom's shoelaces," laughs Joan, "And Grooms love the extra attention they're getting in the process." A game like this can be expanded to include couples from the reception and made into a race between partners. The winning team might be awarded a small gift or table centerpiece.

When deciding what games to play at the reception, Joan advises thoughtful consideration. Games with sexual overtones are more appropriate to a bachelorette party, than reception, but appropriateness really depends on what the couple and company are comfortable with. "Randy hijinks are expected in many Asian receptions," explains Joan who is an Asian-American, "the intent is to encourage a modest or shy husband to demonstrate love for his new wife." A couple should discuss what's appropriate and not beforehand with their organizers to avoid potentially awkward situations. If the Bride and Groom are dressed in clothing that limits their range of motion, pick games that the couple can play while standing or sitting in place. Just keep the fun lighthearted and good-natured to ensure an enjoyable time for all.

The tradition of playing games and pranks on the betrothed evolved from noble origins. "It was believed that if friends and family gave the couple a hard enough time, any bad spirits would take pity and spare the newlyweds ill fortune," Joan reveals. This is how goofy decorations on the wedding car and honking of car horns (to scare away evil) made their way into custom. Joan points out that the ability to take some friendly ribbing could also be a demonstration of the couple's readiness to face life's many challenges together. There's no greater delight for a wedding guest than seeing the couple having fun together, Joan concludes, "And a little playfulness is a wonderful start to a happy union!"

About the Author
Joan Wai is the author of "100+ WEDDING GAMES: Fun & Laughs for Bachelorette Parties, Showers, & Receptions," a banquet of wedding-themed games, activities, and pranks appropriate to a variety of nuptial functions, including the reception. The 130 page paperback retails for $11.95 at,,, and Media are invited to inquire about a review copy, digital press kit, or author interview via the contact information provided.

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